201. 3 surprising ways to start a speech

Don't know how to start a speech? I got you!

In the first episode of Season 11 I share 3 surprising ways to open a speech.

Get ready to surprise, delight and CAPTIVATE your audience as soon as you step on stage.


Welcome back party people!!

After a little podcast holiday we are back with new podcast artwork, a fresh intro and outro, and we have lots of great topics and guest in store for this season.

As always reach out to me on Instagram @thatvoicepodcast or @sallyprosservoice if there’s any topics you’d like me to cover – I do take requests.

I’m opening this season with openers for speeches.

It’s one of the main reasons people come to me for private sessions to help write their speeches, because they’re like I don’t know how to start it, and everything I think of is boring.

And let’s be honest.

Lot’s of speeches are a yawnfest from the first line. Boring good mornings and today I’m going to talkabout.

My approach is Surprise and Delight…. When you give people something unexpected they sit up and listen, they’re receptive, they’re engaged, they’re ready to receive your message.

Now there are lots of great ways to start a speech like using a quote –

There is no comfort in the growth zone. And no growth in the comfort zone.

You could use a bold statistic.

75 per cent, that’s the number of people who fear public speaking.

And my favourite is to start with a story…

I’m 8 years old and all I want for Christmas … is a microphone on a stand…

But today’s episode isn’t great ways to start a speech, it’s 3 surprising ways to start a speech, so I want to share some creative ways to capture the attention of your audience from the get-go.

And number one is STORY with SOUND.

And this is where you start your story going straight into the dialogue of someone in the story.

So I often do this going into the news reporter voice.

“Good morning, it’s 5.30 I’m Sally Prosser”

I could feel my boss listening to every word outside the news booth..

I helped a client with an ANZAC Day speech, and he started with

BOOM! Boom! Incoming, incoming.

And went on to describe how he had to run for cover.

He  had students, parents and teachers captivated and was told it was the best anzac day speech they’d ever heard.

Another example – “You’re ugly. I hate you. Why are you so stupid.”

This was what I heard in my head when I looked in the mirror as a 15 year old.

Ok number two – is START WITH SILENCE.

Saying nothing, says so much. And if people aren’t paying attention.. they will be if you start with silence.

Now you don’t just have to stand there, you could DO something.

So I might slowly put on my love heart sunglasses.

One client started by pulling out a jumper from a washing basket and holding it up.

She has a clothes store and the whole speech was told through the items of clothing.

You might do some miming.

It is so unexpected.

And the third way is what I call OPPOSITES ATTRACT.

And this is where you give the audience the exact opposite of what they’re expecting from you.

So I have started a speech in the past like this ..

Goog morning, hi I’m Sally Prosser, um wow there are like so many of you,sorry I’m a little bit nervous.

And then launched into, this is not how you want to start a speech.

That is quite effective actually because it can also be a mirror to how people do present and they can see the problem with it first hand.

Speaking well results in people swarming you afterwards wanting to know who you are and how they can work with you.

Alternatively, speaking poorly is like vacuuming out your personal power and the hard truth is people will put a black line through your name in their head as someone they don’t need to know.

That’s why if you feel you’re not nailing it on stage every time… it’s a really good idea to work with someone to upskill you in this area. Get in touch, join Soul Speakers, there’s no need to waste time hoping you’ll get there one day. Jump on the fast track.

Ok so another example of opposites attract is a client I had who works in the Beef industry and we started her speech by saying

“It’s time we all turn vegetarian” and then went on to explain how stepping outside the industry helps give clarity on the value of the product.

So there are three surprising ways to make your next speech a sensation from the first line.

SOUND IN STORY, START WITH SILENCE or OPPOSITES ATTRACT – speaking in contravention with expectation.

And if you want to learn how to write a great speech – join Soul Speakers, there are lots of resources  in there, and if you’d like me to work my magic and write the speech with you / for you then book a private session or Soul Speakers Advanced might be a good fit.

And if you’re just starting out, then my free ebook – What to Say when you don’t know what to say also has some great structures you can use – and they all include opening lines!

That’s it from me this week.

Go forth, surprise and delight your audience – and let me know how it goes.

Sally Prosser