203. Is your voice blocking the flow of money?

Your VOICE could be blocking the flow of money to you.

If this piques your interest - Join the FREE 5-DAY đź’° MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SPEAK CHALLENGE đźŽ¤

In this episode I share 3 ways to know if your voice is blocking the flow of money, including -

1. The language you use to talk about money.

2. The way you speak TO money.

3. Your flow of self-expression into the world.


Is your voice blocking the flow of money?

If there’s even an inkling of curiosity with this topic, then join my FREE  5-day Challenge – Make Money While You Speak. I’ll be guiding you through 5 powerful daily tasks to help you use your voice as an incredible gateway to wealth – whatever wealth looks like for you.

The challenge starts July 1st – and the registration link is in the show notes.

In this episode I’m sharing 3 ways your voice might be blocking the flow of money.

Everything is energy. Money is energy, your voice is energy and the universe is always listening.

Changing my money mindset and the way I speak about money – has been THE most impactful work I’ve done since starting my business. And an area I keep working on, I’m by no means the expert in Money Mindset, but I can identify the ways your voice is blocking the flow of money, so here we are.

I grew up in a working class family in Australia. Dad worked at the Steelworks, mum was a nurse, I’m one of four kids.. and like a lot of people grew up with a scarcity mindset around money.

Lot’s of beliefs like

Money doesn’t grow on trees

You have to work hard to make money

That’s too expensive. I remember all I wanted was cool clothes from Surf Dive n Ski growing up, but it was Target or Best n Less. And I locked in this story that we were poor.

Now shoutout to my parents, especially my wonderful dad, who’s no longer with us, he died more than 10 years ago. There were lots of really helpful, healthy lessons about money, like it’s not the dollar you have but what you do with the dollar you have. Live within your means. Waste not want not. He was born in 1950 and was the eldest of 7 kids, and there were always heaps of extras at the dinner table. My pop would tell a story that he’d open the jam jar and pass it to his left and by the time it got back to him there’d be none left.

This money story we have forms our relationship with money, how we feel about money. For most of us wealth is a feeling not a fact. I know people who earn not much and are very happy with their life and people who earn millions who you’d think were paupers. Know what I mean?

So the first way to know your voice is blocking the flow of money is to listen to your language.

If you are constantly saying it’s too much, I can’t afford it, there’s a cost of living crisis, I have no money, it’s too expensive, it’s a waste of money…. Then you are repelling money from your life. When I did a money mindset course and changed this language, I literally doubled my revenue the next month, and more so finances stopped feeling so heavy, like a constant weight in the pit of my stomach.

So language like “I always have the resources to do the things I want to do.” “Money flows to me freely and easily.” “I can’t help it, I’m a money magnet.”

Ching ching ching goes the money tree. I share more on this in the Free Make Money While You Speak Challenge.

Now closely linked to language around money, is language towards money.

There’s an exercise in NLP training where you put a 100 dollar note on the chair across from you and have a conversation like it’s a friend. Would you neglect a friend? Would you talk shit about a friend? It’s a great reframe. I also read a great book called Happy Money by Ken Honda which talks about the feeling behind the transaction.

We all know a 100 dollars on an amazing meal feels better than a 100 dollar parking fine.

So since the book and the exercise, I’ll smile while paying bills and say I’m so thank ful and grateful that we have fresh water and reliable power and that I make enough money in my business to be able to contribute so much in tax to support the community. I actually renamed my tax accout – Community Contribution because the word tax has negative vibes for me.

So is the way you speak or don’t speak TO your money blocking its flow?

And finally is your lack of expression blocking the flow of money?

If you are hiding your gifts, stewing in fear and not showing up online, not using your voice, not sharing your message, not advocating, then you’re not making yourself available for money to come to you.

The law of cause and effect states that every action has a corresponding consequence. For every action there is a reaction, and this is true with the flow of money. If you stop, hide and stagnate – different to resting. Very different to resting. Resting and reevaluating is an essential part of the cycle to keep the flow going. If you constantly go go go you end up in burn out, and you’re not in flow. But stagnating and hiding, means you’re not creating opportunities or openings  and money needs those openings to flow in.

My business grew to multi-six figures off the back of me showing up and using my voice. People ask me to speak because they hear me speak – online, on the podcast, at events. And I know if I keep putting my voice out there it’s inevitable the business will thrive. There is no way it can grind to a halt if I continue to speak and share my message that your voice matters and it’s a powerful gateway to you getting what you desire. And to do that you need to stop waiting, stop hiding, stop second guessing and start speaking --- and starting with my free Make Money While You Speak challenge is an ideal step. So many people who did it last year couldn’t believe it was free, because it’s got so much in it, and I could charge, but I didn’t want money to be the excuse for why you can’t learn how to make more money!

So are you blocking the flow of money by the language you use, the way you speak to money or by blocking the flow of your expression?

Come and join me for the Make Money While You Speak Challenge. We start July 1st. Link is in the shownotes. It’s free, and even by saying YES you open the energetic doors for more money to come in, so you’ve got nothing to lose and … so much to gain.

Sally Prosser