213. The key to living your best life

Are you living your best life?

I recently flew to London for the Taylor Swift Eras Tour and I was feeling this energy.

It also came with a bit of criticism.

In this episode I share the barriers to living your best life and how to break through!



I am back from London, where I ran a Speak Up for Your Business workshop and got to meet a podcast supporter in person and give her a big hug. I have a feeling she’s listening so I want to give a shout out to Emma Alston, who wrote the most beautiful LinkedIn post which I’ll share with you. Emma wrote “Remember how strange it felt not to see our family and friends during the lockdowns of 2020?

During that period of prevailing uncertainty, I discovered and listened avidly to the antipodean vocal tones of Sally Prosser's 'That Voice Podcast'.

Sally's optimism and cheery disposition were an antidote to the fear and sadness swirling around us all in 2020.

Fast forward to August 2024.. imagine how delighted I was to have the opportunity to meet Sally in person here in the UK.

Yesterday's session in London was a deep dive into discovering how entrepreneurs can use their voices to achieve success and articulate their passions.”

Emma it was such a delight to meet you in person, and the workshop was such a success.

I’ve now hosted 3 Speak Up for Your Business workshops in London, two in Melbourne, one in Perth, one in Sydney and 2 in my hometown of Brisbane.

I am heading to Singapore at the end of the year, so if you’re in Singapore let me know so I can add you to the waitlist AND I’m thinking of doing one more in Brisbane this year, if there’s interest… so if you’re in Brisbane and keen please let me know so I can see if it’s worth going ahead.

Now the catalyst for me to book my 5 day trip to London… and if you follow my TikTok or Instagram @sallyprosservoice you’ll have an idea … it was the Taylor Swift Eras Tour at Wembley Stadium.

I loved the experience in Melbourne, she released another album, I’m a big swiftie and it was so awesome!!!

AND it also brought some things to light that prompted me to record this episode for you.

The key to living your best life.

And yes, while I was sitting in first class in my Taylor Swift t-shirt, celebrating 6 years in business on my way to the Eras Tour… I was very much living my best life.

And the story of that on my Instagram was the highest viewed story I’ve ever had, and throughout the trip my inbox was flooded with messages like “Best life” “Amazing” “You look like you’re having the best time.”

And I remember the morning I decided to book and go.

I’d watched the first show of the European leg of the tour live stream – it was in Paris and then headed off to a book launch of one of my friends – and That Voice Podcast guest Jessica Williamson, she wrote a book called Unstoppable Success – very on theme for today. And I was having lunch with a couple of my amazing business girlfriends.. and I said “Am I crazy to fly to London to see Taylor?” Now they’re not swifties, but they all said yeh course, go for it. And in that moment I decided to. And Patrick was fully supportive of course as well, and said I wish there was something I was so excited about like you are with Taylor.

Now that was in contrast to some comments I heard. Including some in my head.

You don’t have the money to fly to London business class to watch Taylor Swift.

Aren’t you too old to like her?

You can’t seriously go to London for 5 nights.

You’re crazy. I asked that question to my friends – am I crazy?

But what’s really crazy… is the amount of people not living their life the way they want.

And often this is because they’re worried about what people think.

I’d encourage you to listen to episode 196 – 5 ways to stop comparing yourself and episode 167 – how to stop caring what other people think.

Those are keys to living your best life… but the big one. The one to take away from this episode, is to get out of your own way.

Now you might’ve heard that phrase and like me wondered what does it actually mean? How do you get out of your own way?

This is how.

You break the rules you’ve created for your life.

These rules, these beliefs are a cage we live in.

Now they make us feel safe, because it’s our comfort zone.

We build the prison of our own making.

Yet we are spiritual beings having a human experience and we yearn to grow.

And that cage can feel really cramped.

And it cramps our style. It prevents us from living our best life.

And to break out of the bars or stretch them wider to create more space, you need to first identify what they’re made of.

Listen to your language, listen to your voice.

The can’ts and don’ts and nots and nevers.

I can’t post a video on social media.

I don’t have a very nice voice.

I’m not a public speaker.

I’ll never be able to afford a speaking coach.

If you say so.

Our brain works overtime to help us prove our beliefs right.

For example, I always get hotel upgrades. I have a few strategies, and I also hold the belief. In London, I got an email out of the blue saying my room had been upgraded to the top level – and I was excited, but not surprised, because I always get hotel upgrades.

In the past, I held a belief that stuff like that never happens to me, I never win anything.

If you hold such a belief. Big barrier to your best life.

A little thought from the past jumped in with my trip.

You can’t spend that much to go to London for that length of time.

Um, yes I can. I had a freaky window in my calendar, and I had the money to do it. Many other versions of myself would not have had the resources to make that decision, so hell yes I was going to take the opportunity to do something awesome. To live my best life.

You can do whatever you want with the resources you have.

And those resources could be money, time and of course physical and mental health.

You have agency over your life and your decisions.

Of course life throws curveballs, but there is always something in your control.

I am constantly in awe of my clients.

Who show up in spite of devastating health diagnosis, relationship breakdowns, family deaths. Now I am not saying that if those things happen you should power on and keep showing up. Not at all. You have agency over that decision. It’s not falling into victim mentality when you’re player one in life. You get to choose.

You might hear people say ‘oh it’s not what I would’ve done’ – I definitely heard that in relation to my trip. And I said great. You don’t have to do it. There is not a person on earth who if I were in their shoes I would’ve made the same decision as them. This is the great thing about our life, it’s OURS. And no one gets to make decisions for us. Of course it goes without saying the privilege you’re born with and the place you live in affects the size of the choices you have.

For the most part I’m guessing you don’t have an absolute reason to keep those bars around you.

So if you want to promote your business – you CAN make social media content.

If you want some help to stretch and break those bars – you CAN invest in coaching.

(every one of those amazing business friends of mine who said of course go to London, all invest heavily in growth – it’s not a coincidence).

And if you want to fly around the world to watch a concert – you actually CAN.

Now if that voice pops in saying, well Sal – no I can’t because I don’t have the time, or the money, I can’t leave my family etc etc

Of course they’re considerations, but they don’t need to be bars unless you want them to.

You CAN get out of your own way. You CAN break the prison of your own making.

And it’s not by banning the words can’t and don’t from your vocabulary, it’s by questioning yourself when those thoughts come in.

If you hear yourself say “I don’t have the confidence to speak on social media.” What if you replied … what if you do.

I can’t spend that much money on a public speaking course. Well what if you can? And what might happen if you do?

On the plane on the way to London (got upgraded to first class by the way which was very nice) I used to hold a belief / a part of my cage that said “I’ll never fly first class” and I broke through that and have flown long haul first class twice. PS - Learn how to game frequent flyer program – it’ll change your life.

Anyway so I watched that move called IF. It’s a kids movie about Imaginary Friends and I loved the concept of the power of the mind, the power of imagination to see things that are right in front of us. To see things that are only meant for us.

Your best life is only meant for you.

And asking that question – what if? Is such a great way to start bending those bars and breaking through that prison of your own making.

What if…. You took that trip…

What if … you posted that video..

What if … you invested Soul Speakers? (that’s my group program by the way).

What if… you decided to live your best life?

And of course to do that you need to know what your best life is.

Not the life others want you to live. Not the life you think you should live. The life you want to live.

The key to living your best life is breaking the rules of your own creation. And courageously stepping into the best version of yourself.

I had great engagement with all my taylor social content, I also lost a lot of followers.

And that’s great. The magnetism is working.

When we live our best lives we attract the best people … attract the best and repel the rest.

So how has this resonated with you?

When the penny dropped for me about how to get out of my own way.

That it meant questioning the beliefs that held me in my little cage and changing them to break through ..

That’s when I fully relaxed into living my best life and that includes living in full expression.

So cheers to your best life!!

Cheers to amazing self expression and cheers to voicing your magic!

Sally Prosser