226. Reclaim your speaking energy

Are you sick of wasting energy stressing about public speaking? Or beating yourself up afterwards?

In this episode I explain your speaking strategy and how you can change it up to reclaim your energy in 2025.

Hello and Happy New Year!

Patrick and I are in Singapore for New Years, and hopefully by the time you’re listening to this we are relaxing in a rooftop pool with a nice cocktail. Though it’s not all Singapore Slings, I’m also running a Speak Up for Your Business Workshop while I’m over here.

I’ll be running workshops in 2025 in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, London and possibly Hobart, Perth and Adelaide, so keep your eye out.

This episode is all about how to Reclaim Your Speaking Energy.

Last week a client signed up with me because she was sick of how long it was taking to film her social media videos, and how frustrated she was getting, and her reels are quite good, but she said she can’t continue wasting all that energy in the lead up.

And this is a common story.

The energy being wasted ahead of speaking breaks my heart. The sleepless nights, the sickening nerves, the stress headaches, and it’s not just before a presentation or filming or speech, there’s also the energy wasted after on beating yourself up, on dwelling on the negative, on already stressing about the next speech … or simply swearing off it altogether.

Does this sound familiar?

If so, it is time in 2025 to reclaim your speaking energy.

And to do that we need to first get clear on your speaking strategy.

We are computer programs. 95% of what we do is from the subconscious mind, and so almost everything we do is repeating a program, replaying a pattern, reacting past behaviours.

And if we want to change behaviour we need to break down what the program is so we can consciously choose to change it.

A strategy can be broken down into three parts.

So for speaking it’s before, during and after.

What is your strategy before speaking?

Is it to stress yourself out. To hit record 20 times. To swear. To not eat, to overeat. To pore over your slides and notes a million times, or not prepare at all, and try to convince yourself it won’t happen.

Think about it now. What is your before speaking strategy? And is it working out for you? Is it energy well spent?

Now we get to during speaking.

Do you race to get it over with?

Do you have an out of body experience and you’re not really sure what happened?

Do you start rusty and warm into it?

Or does it go really well?

What is your during speaking strategy? And is it working out for you? Is it energy well spent?

Now cast your mind to after speaking.

Do you take yourself  for a drink?

Do you get in your head and overthink it all in the negative?

Do you beat yourself up about how bad it was and if anyone says it was good, inside you’re like oh no it was terrible.

What is your after speaking strategy? Is it working out for you? Is it energy well spent?


Now here’s the kicker.

The three parts of your strategy work together.

And if you like one part, it feels really risky to change the other parts.

Especially when that part is the speech going well.

If your speeches or presentations have gone quite well sandwiched in the middle of you freaking out beforehand for hours and beating yourself up afterwards …

Guess what? It’s going to be challenging to just start feeling relaxed and centred and grounded before speaking, because if the first part of the strategy changes, maybe the second part where the speech goes well – will change too.

It’s an example of self sabotage in a way and I see it with clients all the time.

If the actual speaking goes ok, it’s a mega risk for you to try changing the before and after strategies.

But who wants to be wasting all that energy and time feeling awful before recording or stepping on stage?

And what if . . . a new before speaking strategy improved your strategy during speaking,

And what if a new after speaking strategy, like a ritual to reflect and review. The choice not to beat yourself up meant the next speech went even better?

This is how you reclaim your speaking energy.

By identifying what your speaking strategy is, and having the courage to try something new.

And it does take courage. Changing deep seated patterns takes courage. It takes work, and it usually takes expert help.

Every day I help my clients change their speaking strategy, so they can reclaim their energy and feel good about speaking before, during and after. So they get productive time back in their day.

So if your speaking strategy involves high stress, avoidance, self-loathing, time wasting … then let’s change that in 2025. Let’s reclaim your speaking energy.

Join my online group program Soul Speakers or apply to work with me 1:1.

The energy you reclaim by learning a better speaking strategy is ROI you cannot put a price on. And my client I mentioned earlier sent me a message after just one session saying she did the exercises we worked on and felt much more relaxed .. the strategy is loosening it’s grip. With the right coaching it absolutely can be done. So what do you say? In 2025, let’s reclaim your speaking energy.

Sally Prosser