186. Five ways to stop losing your voice

Do you lose your voice often? Does it get tired and sore and you don't know where you're going wrong?

In this episode I outline the FiVE ways to stop losing your voice.

1. Voice warm-ups.

2. Relaxing and breathing.

3. Hydration.

4. Resting.

5. Expressing your emotions.


Hello hello.

Great to be here with you.

Now this is a very important episode because it’s about voice health.

You can’t get out there and share your voice with confidence and clarity and charisma and if you’re struggling to get your voice to function.

You might be in a role which relies heavily on your voice – teachers, coaches, lecturers for example and by the end of the week it feels shot.

You might find yourself with recurring voice issues. From feeling a bit scratchy or gluggy to full on throat infections.

You notice how much you rely on your voice, when it’s not there for you.

I usually get throat issues … when I travel.

After my brother’s wedding in Spain a couple of years ago I got so sick I couldn’t make a sound. It was awful… I think Patrick had quite a relaxing time. Nah, it was tough and I went through all the five points I’m about to share in this episode, and I reckon it was a combination of a few of them.

I’ve also have had several strep throat infections which are like swallowing razor blades.

I’m sharing this because I’m not coming at this topic from a high horse of Oh I’ve never lost my voice  because I always do these things.

I don’t know anyone who’s never had a sore throat – if that’s you get in touch, that’s amazing, and you’re probably not tuned into this episode which is called FIVE WAYS TO STOP LOSING YOUR VOICE.

And the first way .. is ..

You’re NOT warming up.

Not warming up your voice before speaking is like breaking into a sprint without stretching or grabbing the heaviest weight as soon as you walk in the gym. And just like those examples… if you don’t warm up.. you’re going to do yourself an injury.

How do you warm up your voice?

Well there’s a whole section dedicated to it in Soul Speakers – there’s a handy print out and a video demonstration.

And if you haven’t downloaded the free Pep Talks in Your Pocket, the audio tracks, make sure you do that, because they take you through a warm-up too. And you can download these to your phone and I guide you through it.

Getting into a good habit of warming up your voice is the number one thing that will improve the quality and longevity of your voice.

Ok the second way to stop losing your voice…. Is to make sure you’re relaxed and breathing properly.

IE, the air is is flowing out while you’re talking and if you hold your hand in front of your lips and talk you’ll feel that air flow and this is what we want. If the air is not flowing freely, chances are you’re forcing and you might get this kind of tone and it might crackle and creak, and using that technique is going to inflame your vocal cords. There are about 19 different muscles in all co-ordinating to make sound. Google vocal cords while singing to check it out. It looks like something else. So you may not want to search this if you’re at work. If you’re tense and forcing your voice from your throat of course it’s going to get sore.

Voice production is a big part of Soul Speakers and actually my mini course – the MAGNETIC VOICE FORMULA is a perfect starting point if this is all new to you. That course takes your through the foundations of voice – and relaxing the body and letting the air flow is part of that, there are a couple of exercises to help. I’ll link that in the show notes.

So you’ve got warming up, relaxing and breathing.

The third way to stop losing your voice.


I hate to sound like a nag, but this is for me as much as you.. we need to drink more water.

Especially here in Brisbane in summer – and doing hot yoga – we need to replace fluids.

If you’re doing a lot of talking you need to be doing a lot of drinking of the non-alcoholic fashion. By the time you’re thirsty you’re already dehydrated.

If you’ve seen me live on a webinar or a coaching call I drink throughout the class, because you need to stay on top of it. I used to fall into the trap of just getting through it and then I’d be so thirsty and scratchy afterwards I needed recovery time. So by drinking along the way, you’re fine.

And if you want to get serious you can use a steam machine – and a lot of professional speakers and singers use this. I will do a steam bowl at the first sign of a sore throat to get that hydration in there.

And just as a sub point – what you’re eating is also a factor. I’m not a nutritionist go and check out episode 166 How to eat like a speaker, where Jess Spendlove, the expert on this shares what to eat and what to avoid. The main thing is to get to know your body. Generally fatty, milky and spicy foods aren’t your friend if you need to speak soon after.

Ok number four way to stop losing your voice are you RESTING?

Even when you’re warming up, you’re relaxing and breathing, you’re hydrating, your voice can only take so much. Even the world’s fittest people can’t exercise forever. Rest is a big part of it. Actually athletes are often hardcore resting when they’re not hardcore training.

So your voice is the same. If I’ve been running a full day corporate workshop, I won’t book clients that evening, if possible and I’ll intentionally rest my voice.

I can tell you right now after three and a half hours screaming taylor swift songs at the eras tour in Melbourne – night two – msg me if you’re coming on the same night. I can guarantee you my voice will need a rest – no matter how much I engage the diaphragm and drink water.

And finally the number five way to stop losing your voice… is the most challenging but also the most effective. And this is where we take a spiritual lens to voice problems and ask what is it you’re not expressing?

Recurring voice issues are a sign you throat chakra is blocked, and the way to clear this blockage and get this energetic centre healthy … is to verbalise the things you have unconsciously stuffed down. Clearing the pipes. Moving those e-motions that energy in motion.

Now this is the work we do in Soul Speakers, I do it to a high level of course in 1 on1, we also do a bit of this in my in-person Speak Up for Your Business Workshops, and it is powerful.

What aren’t you saying? TO who aren’t you saying it to? In what way are you not speaking your truth? How are you holding your tongue?

If these questions are bringing something up for you.

Get in touch so we can explore how I can help you untie this knot and liberate your voice.

So friends there you have it five ways to stop losing your voice.

Warm up, relax and breathe, hydrate, rest and express your truth.

Sally Prosser