211. What's your voiceprint?

What's your voiceprint?

Your voice is as unique as your fingerprint, and in this episode I take you through the 4-steps to identify your unique sound and leave a lasting impression when you speak.


I ask you a powerful question to visualise your voice.


I take you through an exercise to physically feel your voice in your body.


Yep, listen to your voice back and learn to love it.


Take opportunities to speak!


Welcome to episode 211 of That Voice Podcast - What’s your voiceprint?

Your voice is as unique as your fingerprint, it’s the soundtrack of who you are, it’s the organ of your beautiful soul, the channel for your unique expression … and I think a lot of people forget that.

People just use their voice like it’s nothing, they’re so focused on what words to say they lose sight of the instrument in play.

Or they’re so focused on looking outwards comparing and copying others they’re blind to the unparalleled magic of what’s within.

In today’s episode I’m going to help you IDENTIFY your unique sound. Your vocal signature if you will and help you leave a lasting impression when you speak.

Gracing others with your voiceprint.

Is that what you’re doing? Leaving a memorable mark of who you are with those who hear you.

Or when you speak is it like you’ve got gloves on and you could touch every surface in a room, you could talk to every person and when you leave it’s like you weren’t even there.

There’s no evidence of your voiceprint. There’s no mark that you made, no lasting impression for the people there.

Communicating through your voice is not a robbery you want to get away with. In fact by not having a strong voiceprint you are robbing others of your message and you are robbing yourself of the gift of self-expression.

So what is a voice print? You may have heard of it as an IT authentication process. A way to confirm your identity. And as AI and hackers get better and better, more and more companies are using voice prints as a security measure because they recognise the unique qualities of every human voice.

Isn’t it ironic that big companies recognise the value of individual voices more than the individuals recognise the value of their own voice.

Voice print’s work for identification because the technology knows how to measure the intricate anatomical and acoustic factors that make your voice one of a kind. No one else sounds like you.

So it’s one of the best ways to shut down fraudsters as soon as they speak.

Let me ask you this.

Do you feel like a fraudster as soon as you speak? Even though you are the real deal. The original.

Maybe go back and listen to episode about how to beat Imposter Syndrome.

Now you might be thinking, hang on .. I read that AI can copy your voice so how secure is it?

And you might have seen Scarlett Johansson was recently in the news because she claimed Open AI used her voice for its ChatGPT system Sky.

And this podcast isn’t the forum to analyse this, but what I would say… is to me it speaks to the heart of the value of the organic human voice. It’s such an integral part of who you are. And you don’t want to be faker and you don’t want to invisible.

Now you might be hearing all this going. Sal you’ve gone so bloody high level on this I feel like I’m in space, and I’m used to practical, tactical things I can do.

And we’ll get there.

But none of the practical, tactical, fantastical tips will over-ride the fundamental belief you have about the value of your voice.

Your voice matters. It deserves to be heard. And no one has a voice like yours. It carries it’s own frequency, you are the only key that fills a spot in the piano of life.

Speaking of music, the song that’s coming to me now is the Spice Girls, totally my vintage.

You know the one - Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it
Who do you think you are

Because my strategy for identifying your voiceprint is to see it, feel it, hear it, use it – show everyone how good you are.

So how so you see it.

Small exercise for you. What’s an element in nature that inspires you?

First thing that pops into your head.

Got it?

Without influencing you… because everybody has different ones … it could be a raging waterfall, a peaceful sunset, a vast ocean, a tall tree, a big boulder and warm campfire… don’t be influenced… what’s YOURS?

And how does this influence your unique voiceprint?

For example…. A flowing river. How would it move into a room? How would it speak? What words would it choose? How would it respond to difficult questions…. It would flow, it adapts to the environment, it’s nourishing..

If you’ve done my Fear to Fierce course … you’ll recognise this little snippet from part of the first exercise…. Your personal metaphor – and if you want to learn how to find your personal metaphor and link this element in nature with your WHY, the 5-step formula is the first part of Fear to Fierce, DM me FIERCE @sallyprosservoice and I’ll send you the details for how you can get it.

Next feel it.

Take a deep breath right down to your toes. And sigh it all out.

Now this time visualise your vocal channel and sigh it out from the top of your head down to your lower back, Like this.

Feel the voice in your head.

Feel the voice in your heart. Put your palm on your heart space.

Now hand on belly and feel the voice down at your solar plexus.

There’s a fantastic coaching call called Access your vocal power inside Soul Speakers where I take you through how you can really feel your vibrations right through your body. The shape of your body is a big contributing factor to your voiceprint. We are all walking talking musical instruments and no two human bodies are the same, so no two voices are the same.

Now hear it.

I totally get cringing hearing your voice played back. Voice confrontation it’s a thing.

You sound different to yourself compared to hearing yourself played back. When you speak it’s like built-in shower voice because you’re hearing your vibrations through your skull… all that aside.

If you want your voice to leave a positive impression, you need to have a positive impression of your voice. Develop a healthy relationship with it.

Imagine if you physically cringed and recoiled every time you saw a friend. That person would not want to be friends with you, let alone come to your aid in times of need. Your voice is the same. Show it compassion, understanding, love, appreciation – and the vibrations will strengthen, they’ll be more forward in the body, not hiding too scared to come out.

So listen to your voice. On podcasts, social media and if you’re not doing those things, start recording your shopping lists or voice journaling and listen back with love.

And this leads into my final point for today’s episode USE IT.

If you want your voiceprint to be strong and clear. You need to dip into the ink (your breath) and make your mark, the gloves are off.

Can you call instead of email, can you voicenote instead of text, can you show you face and voice on social media instead of not doing that?

See it, feel it, hear it, use it… what’s it? Your voice! And that’s how you identify your voiceprint and strengthen the impression you make.

And there are so many other things you can do to leave a lasting impression. Almost every episode of this podcast shares ways for you to do that. Every resource and call in Soul Speakers will help you do that.

I know you want to make an impact, I know you want to leave a mark…. You can do that with your voiceprint.

And just like your voice print gives you access to banking apps and things like that, a strong voiceprint will give you access to people, places and spaces that perhaps you’re struggling to access? Perhaps you’re not even aware they are there TO access. It goes without saying, being a great communicator opens doors, and when the voiceprint is strong you have the code to even more doors that are waiting to open just for you.

Sally Prosser