216. Meditate your way to better speaking

Are you a meditator?

The more connected we are to our inner being, the more our voice will flow with the truth of who we are.

In this episode, Spiritual Scientist Gayle Myers MD shares -

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈWhy you should meditate.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ How often you should meditate.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ How to say "hello" to your inner being with a guided meditation.

Gayle also opens up about her Near Death Experience (NDE) and how that has shaped her work and understanding of the world.


Thank you for joining me on That Voice Podcast. Today's episode is very special. I've invited the wonderful Dr. Gayle Myers on the show to teach you how to meditate your way to better speaking. Gayle shares why you should meditate, how often you should meditate, and she even guides us through a meditation in this episode to say hello to your inner being. Gayle calls herself a spiritual scientist as she brings together the two worlds. So she worked as a doctor in private practice for more than 30 years and has been studying meditation for even longer.


And we go way deeper than meditation in this episode. So I met Gayle through a business program I was part of. As you know, I'm always heavily investing into my own personal and professional growth. Every successful business owner I know is doing this. How are you investing into yourself at the moment? And so Gayle did a soul reading session with me, which was incredibly profound and beautiful. Her connection to the spiritual dimension is undeniable, and I really recommend you sign up for one of these soul readings with Gayle. I'll put the links to connect with her in the show notes. In this episode, Gayle also shares about her NDE, which is a near death experience. She explains what happened and how this has shaped her. This episode will shift you energetically and serve as a reminder that your voice is the organ of your soul. And to be powerful magnetic communicators, we need to be connected with our inner being.


Dr. Gayle Myers, it is so wonderful to have you on That Voice Podcast. Welcome.


Thank you. It is great to be here.


First question, what is a spiritual scientist?


The easiest definition is it's someone who studies science and spirituality. And I have studied medicine and spirituality simultaneously for decades. I started spiritual studies before I went to medical school. So the entire time I was in medical school and training, and as a doctor in private practice for over 32 years, I was always meditating and studying. And now the neuroscience has come up to a level that you can really begin to understand what happens to us physiologically when we meditate. Because so much of the time when you study spirituality or meditation, spiritual studies, you look just at that piece, like just at the spirit and you meditate. And then medicine just looks at the body. And so I bring them together.


Mm, it's such a beautiful combination. And over the years, how did you reconcile the two? Did you have the spiritual world colliding with the medical world and vice versa?


Totally, totally. It's been a tricky relationship. It's always been challenging. I've always known I was gonna be a doctor. I grew up in a medical family and a scientific family, and I studied science my entire life. And I knew from the time I was seven I was gonna be a doctor. But what happened was at the age of 13, I began having dreams that I would meet someone and then I would meet them, and it kept happening. And so that was the beginning of me being aware that there's something else going on here. So I continue to study science, and I began being interested in curiosity. It's like, what is this? There's something else going on. And then you have, of course, you have your intuition. I had my intuition and I would know things or I would sense things, but I didn't have a way to connect them or explain any of that.


Because when those dreams started happening, it was in the sixties and at that time, there really wasn't a lot of acceptance. So I didn't really have anyone to talk to. So when I was 21, I began to see auras or electromagnetic fields, and I thought it was my nearsightedness because everything's blurry when you Right, you don't have on your glasses or your contacts, except I had all my contacts and I started seeing these energy fields around people, and they were light, and they were movement, and they were, they were alive. And I was in graduate school studying botany, and I didn't have any explanation for it, but I kept reading. At that time, I was reading Daoist tradition, and I kept meeting people who were in the spiritual world spiritual studies world. And I was in the, at a point where I needed to make a decision to go to medical school or study botany and get a PhD or an MD and a friend of mine said, I know this great psychic, you should go see her.


So I did. I'm like, I can't, I can't reconcile this. So I went to see her and she held my hands. She's never met me. And she said, you are going on for more schooling and you are going to be a doctor, and that's it. And so when she spoke to me like that, she said, when you decide, when you make this commitment, nothing and no one will be able to stop you. And I knew that she had really spoken to my soul and that I needed to pursue this. And so I did. I went to medical school and I need to say that that was the long dark tunnel. It was hard because I really didn't have anyone to talk to. So then things kept happening. That really took my scientific mind and made me realize that there's so much more than what we see and work with in medicine.


And that really catapulted me. I kept studying, I kept reading. It was patience. It was situations that kept happening to me that made me realize there something much greater than just the physical body. Like, why do people heal? Why do some people heal and other people don't? I was witness to too many what we would call medical miracles. One of them, I was a resident. It was Christmas Eve, and we were in the emergency room, and I looked over and this woman was blue, you know, this is a code blue, it's a code. And so we resuscitated her and she went on a ventilator and she was really sick. And it was Christmas Eve and I spoke to the family. I wanted to stay positive, but I also didn't wanna give them false hope. And they were so positive and so supportive of her.


They didn't register what had happened. And she was in that intensive care unit for three months on a ventilator in a coma. I kept talking to her every day, and she came out of the coma. I had left that rotation and gone to another floor, and they came and got me, and they said, she's awake. I said, welcome back. And she said, thank you. I'm here because of you. You spoke to me. You kept me. I was gonna make it, and that I could pull through, and here I am. And she walked out of that hospital. So it's those kind of situations that made me realize there's, there's something much greater that we connect with. My mother passed away when I was 17, and I think that really woke me up to spirit because I could feel her, I could sense her after she passed in a way that was really calming and peaceful.


And so I kept having all these experiences to the point where I realized that we're spiritual beings having a human experience. We've heard that. Right? And then I got to put all of this to the test in 2011. Let me back up. I had been studying with a meditation teacher that I'd waited 30 years to meet. I started reading his book and I thought, this man knows how to talk to people's souls, and I want to meet him, and I wanna study with him. I just thought it. And two months later, he was in Vermont. He had never been to Vermont. And so there he was. And that was the very first time that I learned how to ground to the center of the planet and how to really say hello and connect with my spirit, my spiritual being, who I am as a spiritual being, seeing all the different experiences, or we could say limitations that we hold in ourselves because spiritual beings are infinite and limitless, but we contain ourselves right from our life experiences and our limitations that we put as a label on those life experiences.


And then we identify ourselves. And it was really up to me. So I started on a real deep peeling journey to learn how to really work with the chakras and read the energy field and read the story of the soul and the soul's journey. And so I got to apply all of it. In 2011, I was put to the test on the highway when a man was driving way too fast in the snowstorm, and he lost control and flew across the median and hit me head on. And by the grace of God, I survived 105 mile an hour head on collision and near death experience. And so did he. My teacher had said, practice your grounding. 'cause You never know when the Mach truck is gonna hit you. You don't wanna think about, how do I ground?


You didn't quite know it was going to need to be applied quite so literally.


No, exactly. And I'm glad it wasn't a Mach truck. I'm glad it was a pickup truck. And so, yeah, I never did. I never, but I did. I was a good student. I kept practicing. And then that day I really put it to the test. But more so, it was really the experience that I had going into the accident, knowing I was gonna be hit. And suddenly I was so present. 'cause I'd gone through my medical mind of, you know, I don't wanna slam on the brakes in case somebody's behind me, and I don't wanna have a rollover accident, and I don't wanna get t-boned or we wouldn't be having this conversation. So I was very present and grounded and watching this happen, and all of a sudden, my physical body and my electromagnetic field became a one unified field of consciousness and golden crystal and light.


And I was at peace. I felt so peaceful in that moment. And then the impact happened, and it was a head on collision. We both went off the highway and I realized, I've survived. I'm here. And I could move my hands, which is how I, part of how I made my living and my practice. And it was in that moment that I made a commitment that I would, unless my body died on me, I was going to stay present and heal. And so that was really the beginning of me working everything I knew and spirituality and medicine together to heal. And it took five years to heal all the ligament damage and, and the trauma and the PTSD. So in the process of that, I began to teach.


Oh, Gayle, what a story. Amazing. And so now with all of that, why should people meditate?


Well, first of all, it connects you to your infinite spiritual being that you are for starters, it connects you to your limitlessness. It connects you to your wholeness because spirit is whole and undivided. And so often we focus on our limitations or what's wrong. And as soon as you begin to say hello and connect to that part of you, you've just connected to your wholeness. And when we meditate and connect to that part of us, all of a sudden the limitations start to drop off. They start to become less important, and the possibilities become more present. So the creative solutions are there. And so the, the meditation calms the body and it quiets the mind. And those are two things that are so important in our daily stressful lives.


So important. What if you are new to meditation and you struggle to just stop doing anything for two minutes? How would you suggest somebody gets started with it?


Just breathe. Start with the breath, right? Because that connects you to your body.


So would you say, you know, sit down and close your eyes and breathe?


Oh, yes. Yes. But first, but for, you know, just like, just breathe for a moment. You can have your eyes open, but just breathe. But to sit down for the first time. So the type of meditation that I do and that I teach is actually very active. You do sit and do close your eyes and you breathe, you gently breathe, and then you say hello. You say hello to your inner light.


How do you do that?


You just say, hello, would you like to try it?




So go ahead and close your eyes and gently breathe and begin to say hello. Say hello to your inner light, to spirit within. Say hello to your wholeness, to your limitless being that you are. And welcome that light to amplify and gently breathe and say hello to your body. It's a dear body. And say hello to source that which gives all and gently breathe when you say hello to your wholeness and your light, let it shine and see what kind of a hello. You get back. This Hello is how you greet, right? We greet each other by saying, hello, how are you? Hello. I recognize you. So when you recognize that light within, it's just waiting for you to say hello and notice the body, how the body shifts with that, hello. And then align with source that which gives all, and gently breathe. And again, say hello to your inner light. And when you're ready, you can open your eyes.


Gail, that was so needed. Those who are longtime listeners might be able to hear that my voice is a little bit under the weather this morning and I already feel more. Well,


Yes. That's wonderful. Yes. And so you can do that. Hello? Anytime, anywhere, right? You can start with, you know, closing your eyes and breathing and that really calms the body.


And Gail has a podcast where she has these meditations that you can listen to. So I'll put that link in the show notes.


Yes. Health Conscious Living podcast. So I welcome you to come and listen. And there are several meditations that you can do. And there's one episode, six, the Power of Visualization and the Grounding Cord. It's a great place to start. And then there's a meditation after that for reducing stress and increasing well-being.


Wow. And the Grounding Cord, that was the grounding tool you were speaking about?


Yes. So these are all visualization meditations, and I guide you through them. And what we visualize, we create what we envision, we create. So, and they're easy visualizations. I mean, like, so when you said hello, that hello is probably the one of the most important hellos you could ever say.


The most important conversation we have each day is the one we have with ourselves. So with this visualization, is that a way that meditation would be an effective way to become a better speaker? So I know one of the meditations I have, which is called a public speaking chakra meditation, I go through a visualization of stepping on stage and using your voice. So is that something that you would recommend for a fear of public speaking or before a big presentation?


Absolutely. Because it's gonna calm you and center you. And when you're centered in yourself connected to your inner being and your inner light, that's your wholeness. And so that part of you has the ability to express itself in, in the most remarkable ways. And everyone is unique in their own vibration. So the minute you speak, you're going to speak with a greater clarity and a greater confidence that hello is coming home. It feels so good. So when you, when you step on stage, it's more about your inner connection. So your voice can amplify and your message can amplify and you're there to share. And so it takes the stress level and the fear level down and it takes the anxiety down.


Absolutely. And how often should we be meditating?


Well, I like to meditate every day. And because it shifts in the, the what I practice and what I teach shifts energy. And so we're always being affected by energy. And probably most of your students and people listening to your podcasts are sensitive to energy. They're aware of it. And so knowing how to not be so affected by it is really wonderful. Or to be able to release it and not be not carrying it around. It's like we don't need to carry rocks in our backpack, you know, from things that happen in the day, or you know, some conversations or anxiety about the future. So the meditation helps to clear that so that you can be in present time and be more of your true self.


Yeah, absolutely. So, Gayle, was there anything else you'd like to add?


You are the greatest gift the world could have because you are unique and your voice is needed, your message is needed. So the more you take care of yourself and the more you take care of your voice, you have now the gift to share in the world.


Oh, Gayle. And this is one of the many reasons I love you so beautiful. And I will put the link to the Health Conscious Living Podcast into the show notes. So you can listen to Gayle's beautiful meditations. You can hear by her voice how soothing it is. And my public speaking chakra meditation is something that you will get sent when you screenshot a review of the podcast. So if you haven't left a review of that voice podcast, then leave one and send me the screenshot and I'll send you that meditation. So Gayle, finally, apart from the podcast, how can people connect with you and get in touch with you?


@GayleMyersMD on Instagram. The link in the bio will take you to the link tree that has links to my lifestyle health habits checklist, to a meditation, and to other resources for private session readings, soul readings.


Mm-Hmm. I've done one of these. I highly recommend.


Thank you, Sal.


Oh, Gayle, thank you so much from my soul, from my being to your being. Thank you so much for this beautiful experience this morning and for coming on That Voice Podcast.


Thank you. What an honor. And what a pleasure.

Sally Prosser