234. Why AUDIBILITY beats visibility
If you’re trying to build a business or grow your career or get your ideas out there .. being VISIBLE is not going to cut it anymore.
In this episode I take you through how being heard makes you more memorable, more trustworthy and more consumable than being seen.
Hello welcome to That Voice Podcast.
If you’re trying to build a business or grow your career or get your ideas out there…
Being VISIBLE is not going to cut it any more.
Being AUDIBLE is where it’s at and in this episode I’m going take you through exactly why this is, and what you can be doing to get AUDIBILITY happening. Have your voice heard by the right people.
Have you ever recognised someone just by the sound of their voice?
I hear this a lot from people who say they can hear me before they see me.
And sometimes I’ll be sitting next to someone and they’ll say it didn’t click who you were until you started speaking – that’s a voice I recognise anywhere.
We all have a distinctive voice, and if you feel your voice isn’t memorable or distinctive you haven’t discovered your unique voiceprint, which once you do, woah your audible recognition will go next level.
Remember, hearing someone’s voice is the closest thing to touching them.
Voices linger in the mind… and the stronger your voiceprint… the longer it lingers.
Your VOICE carries way further than your presence.
You can be the most visually striking person in the room, but if your voice doesn’t command attention, you’ll be overlooked. Meantime, someone with a powerful resonant, confident, authentic voice can influence a room without even being seen.
People talk about vibration and alignment and energy.
Inside your body you have the ultimate vibration. Your vocal cords literally vibrate.
And when you’re in tune with your voice and aligned with your message.
When you speak people don’t have to see you, and they don’t even hear you…they feel you.
If you’ve ever experienced a sound bath, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about that feeling where the vibration resonates through your body and changes your physical state.
This is the power you have when you use your voice, you have the power to change people’s physical state, to transform them, to inspire them, to help them wake up.
Ultimately while visual create recognition…. Your voice creates connection.
And this is why AUDIBILITY eats VISIBILITY for breakfast.
People may notice you because of how you look, but they remember you because of how you sound.
And they connect with you, which means they trust you.
And if someone doesn’t trust they, they won’t work with you.
And this is really important for your online presence in light of AI.
ChatGPT can generate captions, images, emails. It’s still a bit clunky right. But when you’re reading words online, how do you know they come from the heart of a human on the other side? Maybe they resonate and you go looking for more of that creator…. But if their profile is all stills, music and canva graphics – do you still buy?
Compare that to someone you see speaking on reels, TikTok, stories, LinkedIn. When you hear someone’s voice you don’t have to intellectually think about whether it’s a good fit, because your inner tuning fork will signal to your body if that person’s vocal vibration is a match.
Call it intuition. It’s the tuition that’s coming from within yourself.
Your voice builds trust, connection and authority in ways that visuals alone cannot.
Ever had an email or text be misinterpreted?
Get onto the voicenoting……
Because you can convey tone and energy and personality and intention through your voice in a way you never could on paper.
See what I did there?
And maybe I’m proving my next point right here right now.
What are you doing while listening to this episode?
Are you staring at your apple podcast app or your spotify?
Or are you walking? Are you driving? Are you cleaning the house? I often listen to podcasts while I’m doing my makeup or cleaning up the kitchen.
Your voice is not only more memorable and more trustworthy, it’s also easier to consume which means it reaches a wider audience. Your voice reaches people when their eyes are elsewhere.
So and to find out how audible you are, take my free Business Audibility Audit – I’ll pop the link in the show notes.
And come along to one of my Speak Up for your Business workshops, where we focus on not just amplifying the audibility of your message, but making your voice more audible to begin with. And this isn’t about volume or projection it’s about connection. What is your voiceprint, where is your voice coming from, how can we strike that note that feels so damn good because it rings true to who you are. That organ of your soul that soundtrack of who you are, your voice.
I’m in Sydney March 27, Brisbane May 23.
These workshops are small, the attention is focused.
And the results are noticeable … you can read the testimonials on the web page.
When you shift your attention from not just being SEEN but being HEARD, you’ll see your business grow, your ideas getting noticed and you’ll feel so aligned and in flow in yourself when you speak.
That’s the magic of cranking your AUDIBILITY.
I hope to hear from you very soon….