The analogy to help you stop worrying what people think!

This analogy helped me with the worry that used to come with "caring what people think"...especially when I was receiving hate on TikTok for the videos I was posting.

You need to live life in your DISCO BALL.

Keep on shining, keep on dancing...

Remember YOU get to decide who comes to your party and who is a reflection right back on themselves.

This metaphor is useful to deal with negativity from strangers on the internet as well as from people you know.

When you put yourself out there and share your message, some people are bound to be triggered, and often their comments are a reflection of their own insecurities.

And if you are triggered by other people’s opinions and comments, it’s an invitation to look inside yourself - which is a great opportunity for growth.

Want to stop caring what people think about you? Tune into episode 165 of That Voice Podcast called - How to Stop Caring What Other People Think:

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